We have completely redesigned and revamped our most popular kit, the Bobil Air Hybrid, with all new features and a simpler design and install to provide you with the easiest and quickest hot water system available on the market.
What has changed with the Bobil Air Hybrid?
The new Bobil Air Hybrid design hasn't changed drastically, the functionality has stayed exactly the same, but we've made it simpler to install and more robust to start up to higher pressures. We've done a video on the new upgrades as well if you'd like to take a look at this below.
New Heat Exchanger
First off, the biggest change would be our new Heat Exchanger. Our older model could withstand 20PSI but this all new custom design, designed directly by us rather than using off the shelf parts, has been pressure tested up to 100PSI! We would still recommend a pressure of below 30PSI for the entire system, but this can be adjusted. The tank itself can still handle up to 70PSI.
This new heat exchanger comes with an upgraded overpressure valve as standard, and works in conjunction with the addition of the expansion tank.
Expansion Tank
Along with the higher pressure capability given by the new heat exchanger, there is a new addition to the heating system which is an expansion tank. This does 2 main things:
As the water heats up, this tank takes the expansion as water expands as it heats up.
Water no longer comes out the overpressure drain valve when water is being heated.
Beforehand, you'd expect around 100-150ml of water to come out the overpressure drain valve when water is being heated from cold to hot. Whilst this could be directed into a grey tank, it was still an extra connection to make, and most people had this pipe heading directly out their van which meant a puddle of water every time you heated water up.
This new expansion tank prevents this from happening, giving you less wasted water and more stealth.
Upgraded Rubber Pipe
Another change we have made is upgrading the silicone pipe to a more robust EPDM rubber hose with reinforcement. This allows the system to withstand the higher pressure whilst also remaining flexible enough to be installed almost anywhere.
We used automotive grade silicone pipe before to partially act as an accumulator, to take the hot water expansion, but since there is now an expansion tank in the system, we have done away with the silicone and upgraded all piping the rubber hose.
Simplified Design
We've drastically simplified the design of the hot water circulation loop and reduced the number of connections in the system. This not only means less chances of leaks (as less connections means less potential failure points) but also makes it much easier to install.
Beforehand, there was a 1 way valve, 8 connections on the heat exchanger, a bunch of different sized clips and clamps to use to connect everything together.
Now, there's a pip running from the tank to the circulation pump, to the heat exchanger, and back to the tank. A splitter is on the hot water line gives you your hot water, and the cold water enters via the new central plumbing unit.
Central Plumbing Unit
In ethos with the simpler design, we've put all the brass fittings for the whole kit into 1 unit, which we call the central plumbing unit. This has connection to your main cold water line, the expansion tank, the overpressure drain valve, and connects into the circulation loop.
This comes preassemble for you, so all you need to do for installation is connect the pipes to it and you are good to go!
The other bits
There is still the smart controller and automated diverter in the kit, and the mini circulation pump. The new heat exchanger is smaller than its predecessor and there is less overall pipework included, giving you a more compact install.
You can extend the rubber hose line just like before by purchasing more rubber hose from our store, but the 2m included with the kit should be enough for the majority of installs.
If you have our existing Bobil hybrid and wish to upgrade to this new system, we do sell an upgrade kit which you can purchase to get all the benefits of this new upgraded system.